Saturday, September 01, 2007


Hurrah for September! This means I can wear sweaters and corduroy and not get weird looks! It means I can knit and not feel silly that it's summertime and I'm knitting...even though this cool-ish fall-ish weather has lasted all summer.


Toby and I are all moved in to our new place in Cricklewood (address upon request). We're awfully close to Willesden Green, but I think we are officially Cricklewood-ites. We have lived here a whole week and still have a few boxes to unpack, but I think we've settled in pretty well. There are 2 bedrooms, a good sized living room, kitchen, bathroom, a pretty looking but un-usable fireplace, a loft area for storage and 5 little steps separating the living room/bedroom areas from everything else. AND we have 3 window boxes all ready and waiting for me to put flowers in them. AND we a rockin' record player from Toby's dad. Oh the fun we'll be havin'.

This morning we woke up and headed down the road to Pedro's Cafe and had a very good cheap breakfast. I think this will have to become a bit of a weekend habit. Then we bought some fruit from the nearby van. 7 oranges and 5 beaches for £2.50. SO much cheaper than a grocerystore. Hurrah for van/market type things!

We've got a new month, a new home, and lots of new habits ahead of us.

1 comment:

nicole said...

your new place sounds darling! 'cricklewood'?! how could that not be lovely?

i'm quite excited about fall, too. i think i'm ready.

happy september to you!
