Friday, July 08, 2005

today is 8 july. the high for today is 64 F. what?

i'm seriously impressed with this city. the day after an attack on their transport system, trains and buses are working at a basically normal level. wow. it'll certainly take a lot more to get this city to stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the liason for student complaints for the Creative Writing Program in English at MInnesota and am a good friend of Pamela's. She is incapacitated right now as she smashed the knuckle of one of her swear fingers in 500 pound faculty office door that slammed shut at 50 mph that is why I am writing this comment for her. She wanted me to tell you that everyone here at English at Minnesota thought about you yesterday when we heard the horrible news. Good to know you are ok. Is it really 64 degrees there or is that a joke? We are stoking here it's around 84, humid and ready to storm. I'm ready to crack me open a twelver of Budlite and kick back with a pack of camels. Tomorrow it will be in the 90's. Pamela forgot you had this blog so we've not been in the loop reading your posts although I must say they look quite interesting.

Pamela wanted you to know that she is still addicted to East Enders (we are watching episodes from November 2000) and it's getting spicy.